Personal Dabblings in Writing and Animation

Author: wpadmin

7 Things to Consider When Hiring a Ghostwriter

Imagine your thoughts and stories flowing onto the page, your ideas coming to life without you ever having to strike a key or scratch a pen. This is the magic a skilled ghostwriter can bring to your project. But entrusting someone with your voice is no small decision. The right ghostwriter can elevate your story and broaden your audience, but the wrong one can lead to frustration and disappointment. Hence, the importance of finding the perfect match for your vision cannot be overstated. In this guide, we’ll walk through the essential qualities and qualifications to look for in a ghostwriter, ensuring that your investment yields the best possible return. And as you consider the cost of a ghostwriter, remember, the value they bring to your project is not just in the words they write but in the time and expertise they save you. Let’s unveil the key attributes to scout for when selecting the ghostwriter to pen your narrative.

1. Understanding Your Needs and Goals

Before you even begin the search for a ghostwriter, it’s crucial to have a firm grasp of what you’re aiming to achieve. Are you dreaming of a best-selling memoir, a thought-leader’s business book, or simply aiming to captivate with a work of fiction? Clarify your project’s purpose because your ghostwriter will need to adapt their skills to your specific vision. Next, consider the scope: do you have a rough draft needing polish or merely an idea awaiting development? Outline your expectations, too—this will shape the ghostwriting relationship and the end product. Lastly, set your goals in stone; are they personal satisfaction, professional branding, or commercial success? These will guide the ghostwriting process and help ensure that the writer’s efforts align with your objectives. In understanding your needs and goals, you lay the groundwork for a successful collaboration.

2. Experience and Expertise

The experience of your ghostwriter often determines the success of your project. Look for someone who has not just written, but written successfully in the genre or field you are targeting. A diverse portfolio can be a sign of versatility, but relevant experience is key. Examine their past works; do they have published pieces that have garnered attention or acclaim? Such accomplishments can be a testament to their skill. Furthermore, ensure that they have a robust understanding of the subject matter at hand. If your project requires technical knowledge or a specific industry insight, a ghostwriter with relevant expertise can be invaluable. A quick perusal of their writing samples should give you a feel for their proficiency and adaptability to your topic. Remember, an experienced ghostwriter brings more than just writing chops – they bring a depth of knowledge that can enrich your narrative.

3. Writing Style Compatibility

The ghostwriter’s pen may be invisible, but their style will leave an indelible mark on your work. It’s imperative to find a ghostwriter whose style aligns with your own or can adapt to mirror your unique voice. A good starting point is to read samples of their previous writing. Does their style feel right for your story? Does it flow the way you envision your book to read? Pay attention to their use of language, tone, and ability to convey emotion and nuance. Remember, the ghostwriter must be able to capture your voice as if it were their own, while still injecting the narrative with energy and originality. Open a dialogue about your stylistic preferences and ask if they’ve tackled similar tones in past projects. When their words resonate with you, it’s a promising sign of a productive partnership.

4. Professionalism and Reliability

Professionalism and reliability are the backbones of any ghostwriting project. You’re not just hiring a writer; you’re entrusting someone with a piece of yourself. The first indicator of professionalism is punctuality; does the ghostwriter have a history of meeting deadlines? Scan reviews or ask for references to confirm their track record. Communication is another cornerstone. Your ghostwriter should be approachable and responsive. Establishing clear lines of communication early on will help prevent misunderstandings and ensure your project stays on course. Evaluate their process during initial discussions. How do they plan to tackle your project? Their methodology should instill confidence and align with your expectations. A professional ghostwriter doesn’t just deliver quality content; they provide peace of mind by being a reliable partner on your journey from concept to finished product.

5. The Cost of a Ghostwriter

When it comes to the cost of a ghostwriter, transparency and expectation-setting are key. Understand that fees can vary widely based on experience, project length, and research required. Don’t be swayed by low rates without considering the impact on quality. A seasoned ghostwriter may command a higher price, but also brings a depth of knowledge and an assurance of quality that can prove invaluable. Address the financials upfront, including payment structure—whether it’s a flat fee, per-word rate, or a retainer. This conversation is an investment in the book’s success and the satisfaction of your collaboration.

6. Compatibility and Collaboration

Finding a ghostwriter is more than a business transaction; it’s about discovering a collaborative partner. The chemistry between you and your ghostwriter can make or break the writing process. During interviews, observe if they ask insightful questions and show genuine interest in your story. Gauge their enthusiasm and see if it matches yours—this can be a great indicator of a fruitful partnership. Remember, collaboration thrives on mutual respect and shared vision, so choose a ghostwriter who is not only competent but also compatible with your personality and working style.

7. Contracts and Agreements

The final step before embarking on your ghostwriting journey is solidifying the relationship with a contract. This document should clearly outline the scope of work, deadlines, rights, payment terms, and confidentiality clauses. It protects both parties and sets the foundation for a professional relationship. A thorough contract reflects commitment and ensures that expectations are legally bound and understood. Don’t shy away from seeking legal counsel to review the terms, as this can prevent potential misunderstandings down the line. With a well-crafted contract, you can move forward confidently, knowing that the business side is secure.

In your search for a ghostwriter, consider these signposts—understanding your goals, gauging experience and expertise, ensuring style compatibility, assessing professionalism, contemplating the cost, valuing compatibility, and finalizing a contract—as guides to finding the right collaborator. The process requires thoughtfulness and discernment, but finding that ideal ghostwriter can transform your vision into a tangible, impactful narrative. Take your time, weigh your options, and trust that investing in the right partnership will pave the way for a rewarding creative journey. Here’s to finding the voice behind your story that resonates just as strongly as your own.

How to Write a Memoir if You Have No Time

Are you determined to share your story with the world? Modern readers crave raw, honest, authentic memoirs that don’t gloss over the hard times or the gory details. Most crucially, they want to delve into the lives of interesting people with unique takes on the world. 

Of course, it so happens that the same people who have the most compelling stories to tell are also often woefully short on time. They are, after all, still busy living their fascinating lives and adding to their narratives. While these people gather more fodder to fill up more memoirs, they usually simply don’t have time to write their stories. 

Are you one of them?

You could try your hand at a six-word memoir. Inspired by Ernest Hemingway, this clever format invites you to summarize your entire life in just six words. “For sale: Baby shoes, never worn,” the original went. 

We can all agree that that’s poetic enough to get lost in for a good while, but this ultra-brief format isn’t what you’re going for. Don’t worry; you still have options. 

Hire a Ghostwriter to Work on Your Memoir

Hiring a memoir ghostwriter doesn’t just save you a lot of time. It also allows most people to share their narratives more artfully than they ever could if they were writing their memoirs solo. 

Are you a writer? OK, we’ll give it to you — you probably shouldn’t work with a ghostwriter. However, you are more likely to be a successful CEO, a failed plumber who survived living in his car, or a second-generation Holocaust survivor reflecting on the way your parents’ trauma impacted you and your children, to name just a few examples.

In all these cases and more, you built your life around things other than writing. You may not just lack the time to write your memoir but also the experience. 

A talented ghostwriter can bring your story to life. The ghost-author relationship is an intimate collaboration — your ghost won’t just run with the bare bones and write whatever they please. They’ll extensively interview you and other important people in your life, and conduct in-depth background research under your guidance. 

Unless you’re a professional writer, chances are that a ghostwriter can tell your story better than you can — and in a voice that authentically feels like yours. Working with a memoir ghostwriter does require your time and input, but the fact that your ghost takes care of the nitty-gritty is sure to give you the space you need to keep working. 

Remember that working with a ghostwriter in no way means you lose control over your narrative. A memoir ghostwriter works for you. As the author, the person in whose name the memoir will be published, you remain in charge. Ghostwriters continuously ask for feedback. Telling your story the way you would have, and doing it justice, is a ghostwriter’s passion. If you pick the right ghostwriter, your voice will shine through every sentence. You’ll be shocked you didn’t write every word you read.

2. Don’t Have Time to Write Your Memoir? Make Time

Are you determined to share your life story, or at least the tale of a particularly critical phase of your life, in the form of a memoir? Think of your memoir as a legacy to leave to future generations — within your own family and beyond. 

Is your story important enough to tell? You can make time, whether you steal 30 minutes away from your breakfast routine every day or give up weekend leisure time to tell your truth. 

Some people may prefer to wait until retirement, when they can devote time to their memoir. If, on the other hand, you are hoping to inspire people or set the record straight as soon as possible, you won’t have time to lose. In this case, using a recorder to make notes can help you save time, and you could ask someone else to type your story out. This method also helps if you’re working with a ghostwriter.

If you’re intimidated by the thought of writing, you could start with smaller exercises like the New York Times’ tiny memoir contest, which asks you to write a true story in just 100 words. Build up from there. You can do it. 

Once you make significant inroads, don’t forget to look for a competent book editor to help you polish that memoir. Even if you’re a naturally gifted writer, your memoir is bound to be filled with typos, plot holes you didn’t consider because you lived your story, and structural problems. A book editor can whip your memoir into shape!

3. Writing a Memoir if You Don’t Have Time: The Bottom Line

Writing a memoir is, by definition, a painful process. These non-fictional narratives should, to the best of your ability, be factually correct — but, unlike traditional autobiographies, they offer an intimate look not just at what happened but also at how you felt and feel about it.

Some memoir writers discover that the words hidden inside them sprout wings and fly onto the page as soon as they start writing. Writing a memoir doesn’t have to take long if you have a lot to say. You will, however, need an editor to make sure your memoir does your story justice. 

Others determined to write their memoirs genuinely can’t find the time, or need a little extra help. Ghostwriters can come to the rescue in these cases. Experienced ghostwriters masterfully work with you to commit your unique experiences to paper in a way that sounds just like you. 

Working with a ghost is about more than saving time — it can be the best way to make your story heard. 

Stuck In A Content Creation Rut? Hire A Ghostwriter Instead

If you are a writer or if you have a brand and simply need content, then you know just how hard it can be to stay on trend. The need to publish on a regular basis is important for both book authors and those who specialize in web-based content. If you are stuck in a rut or if you just need help to get ahead, ghostwriters are the key. There has never been a better time than now to hire a freelance ghostwriter in the US. Hiring a ghostwriter is quick, easy, and affordable. You can hire talented ghostwriters in the US for just about any genre and for every project size. There are always freelance ghostwriting professionals who are ready and willing to bring your message to life.

Ghostwriting Talent That Impresses

The publishing industry has a lot of moving parts, however, the backbone will always be the ghostwriters. There are thousands of people who are the pen behind some of the most-read books of all time. From celebrity memoirs to self-help books and more, professional ghostwriters keep the literature world moving. Ghostwriters, who are those who write under another person’s name, are credited with generating more than 50% of the content and books available today.

One of the advantages of hiring a professional ghostwriter is that they are synced with the ebbs and flows of the industry. Another advantage is that working with a ghostwriter will allow you to double the amount of content you publish in half the time. With so many ghostwriters out there, it is not always easy to find one that fits your needs. Locating a top-tier ghostwriter in the US can be even more difficult. The community of professional and freelance ghostwriters has experience in all genres and topic specialties. From bestselling fiction novels to complex whitepapers, our ghostwriters really do offer the full package.

What Can A Ghostwriter Do For You?

Do you have an idea or story that sounds perfect in your head but just won’t seem to translate to paper? Perhaps you have a brand or a website that is sorely in need of new or regular content to boost brand awareness. Maybe you are a writer yourself and simply need a bit of help managing your projects. If so, then hiring a ghostwriter will enable you to meet or surpass your project goals. Writing takes time, effort, and a whole lot of concentration. For most, it is not possible to focus on growing a brand or blog also while spending all their time writing. Hiring a ghostwriter frees up your time for other things, such as growing your brand presence in other areas.

Ghostwriters and Publishing Professionals in the US

In addition to top-tier ghostwriters, you can also hire other writing support services. Some additional service provider categories are:

• Developmental editors

• Manuscript editors

• Proofreaders

• Book cover designers

• SEO experts

• Graphic illustrators

• Typesetters

• Book marketers

• Author and book publicist

• Content marketing specialist

• And more

Find Ghostwriting Professionals Specializing in Your Genre

Ghostwriting is a comprehensive field that covers a variety of genres. Search for and hire a professional ghostwriter that not only specializes in your genre but also your local niche. There are ghostwriters whose sole focus is children’s content while others focus on memoirs and biographies. If you are looking for a business expert, a legal writer or someone who crafts fantasy worlds for graphic novels, there is a large selection of experts available. From historical fiction to educational content and everything in between, there is a large talent pool of ghostwriters to pick from.

Tips on Hiring a Professional Ghostwriter

All of the ghostwriters on our platform are highly qualified and properly vetted. Creating a project posting and soliciting their services is as easy as clicking a few buttons. Before you hire a ghostwriter for your project there are a few tips to keep in mind. Always make a point of checking their recent work samples and also ask about their experience writing about your specific niche. Have a budget in mind for your entire project before posting your project online.

Knowing how much you want to pay for your project before looking for a ghostwriter will help you select a professional within your range more efficiently. Read reviews or feedback from other clients so that you can get a clear idea of a ghostwriter’s strengths or weaknesses. Set clear guidelines for work deliverables and always have a timeline that both you and your ghostwriter can follow.

How Much Does Ghostwriting Cost?

At the end of the day, the cost of your project paired with your desired quality is going to determine which ghostwriter you choose. While experience and portfolios can give you an idea about the quality, settling on rates is not so clear. Most ghostwriters have a set rate per word or per hundred words. This can range anywhere from $1 per 100 words to $5 per 100 words, sometimes more! Aside from the base ghostwriter rate, there is also an additional cost. Certain topics may cost more than others which can increase the project price. For example, a ghostwriter may have one rate to write about cupcakes, but another rate if they are tasked with curating research content. Additional services such as formatting, on-page SEO, and adding images or links will also generate an additional charge. For most topics, however, you can expect to pay anywhere from $0.020 to $1.00 per word depending upon the topic and ghostwriter credentials.

Streamline Your Ghostwriting Up-line

Sometimes businesses, brands, or even overworked authors can use some help with content creation. With the advent of online freelance marketplaces, you now have access to the ghostwriters you need to help you accomplish your goals. Freelance marketplaces bring together top SEO experts, book editors, ghostwriters, marketing specialists, and more from all over the world. Professional and freelance ghostwriters understand just what words to use to get your point across. If you are ready to populate your site with great content, consider hiring a ghostwriter for your project today.

How to Hire a Proofreader

Ready for take off

Just like a flight attendant makes all the final checks on an aircraft before take- off, a proofreader is engaged when a book or article is ready for publication, before it “takes off.” They will double check for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and anything else that might detract from the flow of the writing. The lasting impression a reader should have is of your story is their enjoyment of reading it, not that there was an indefinite article missing on line 10, paragraph two, in chapter 3, on page 98, which is what puritanical readers will remember and talk about. Working for ages on a story sometimes means we can’t see the woods for the trees. Think of a proofreader as a fresh, unbiased pair of eyes to ensure that your “T”s are crossed and your “ I”s are dotted. 

Specialist help.

A professional proofreader is objective and emotionally detached from your story and you.  They have a good eye for detail, and have developed methods and processes for meticulously detecting even minor errors in your work, from missing commas to misused or ambiguous words. Furthermore, they will check for discrepancies in typeface, spacing, and font size, page to page, chapter to chapter. In essence, a proofreader has the dedication of your biggest fan and the insight and sharpness of an editor. 

Where to find an editor or proofreader.

You should already have an editor by the time you need a proofreader and your editor will probably assign a trusted proofreader they work with. If not, then nowadays we can google Author Assistance websites or simply google “proofreader” to find a freelancer. Try to be specific as proofreaders do specialise in different genres and categories. Try to find one in a location near to you should you ever need to meet face to face. So when searching, use as many keywords as possible to narrow your search, for example: Proofreader, fiction, romance novel, Florida, USA.

Be selective

Prepare a brief and an overview of your story. Then make enquiries with several proofreaders online asking if they would be interested in helping you. If you like their response, send them a cover letter and perhaps include the first few paragraphs of your story. Let the proofreader know the scope of what you require. The cover letter should be very clear about what you want, when it should be done by, the genre and the word count as prices are often calculated on word count. If your work has already been professionally edited say so, so that the proofreaders will be crystal clear about what you need them to do. In addition, ask the proofreaders for information about themselves and their portfolio, and, if possible, ask for contactable references. Equally important, ask them for a quote which should specify the cost and any terms and conditions. Lastly, include an amateurish piece of writing, approximately 500 to 700, words for them to proofread, at no cost. This is not foolproof, but might provide an idea of a proofreader’s skill set and commitment.

Before boarding

Just like when catching a flight and you need to check in timeously, give the proofreader you’ve selected advanced notice and adequate time to do the proofreading.  They can’t do much when you and your book are already boarded and waiting for take- off.  Lastly, don’t skimp. Don’t try to save a penny and end up spending a pound/dollar. Make a phone call and have a chat to your candidates. This will help you make your final decision. Trust your instincts more than your wallet, and hire a proofreader you can trust.

What’s a Ghostwriter’s Job Like?

A ghostwriter is someone who writes articles, speeches, blogs, and books. These are just a few writings that you will do as a ghostwriter. As a ghostwriter, you are unable to claim the writing as your own. Once you complete a writing, it belongs to the client. You can’t put your name on it or use it as a sample when asked for one by potential clients and businesses. Ghostwriters have many benefits as well, such as providing clients with their own rates. On the other hand, there are clients who like to take advantage of new ghostwriters and charge a low price, which you have to be careful of. You shouldn’t be taken advantage of because you are new.

There are advantages of being a ghostwriter, such as not having to promote your work on social media site. Once you have finished, you can write on something else. It is quicker to write as a ghostwriter since the client or business will give you the topic and/or research material. Even though, you can write what you want, the work still needs to meet the client’s or businesses standards. The more writings you give your clients, the more likely they will need your services. Even though, you can’t put your name on the writing, you can still place the client’s information on your résumé. This will allow you to gain more clients.

Ghostwriting is like an internship. The reason for that is that the more you ghostwrite for a client, the better of a writer you’ll become. As a ghostwriter, you need to write according to the way the client wants you to. The better you write, the more clients you can get. It will also help you to become a better communicator. Ghostwriters have to pitch in clear English. This will allow the ghostwriter to become confident as well.

When it comes to ghostwriting, you can’t walk before you crawl. Ghostwriters have to take low-paying gigs in the beginning. The more experience that they gain, the better gigs will come and offer higher pay. A few places ghostwriters can begin writing is on bidding sites. It is free, but it is better to pay the small fee since clients will hire you first over someone who has a free account. The ghostwriter with the best bid gets the gig. Upwork and Guru are two well-known bidding sites to join. Other places ghostwriters can look at are forum sites geared towards writers. Sometimes there are people who are looking for writers who can do overflow work for them.

In order to begin as a ghostwriter, you may want to start as a freelance writer to get yourself out there. Consider writing a blog where you blog on your site every other day. Clients who pay high, want to see your skills and if your skills are worth paying more for. When it comes to blogging, find your niche, such as health or education, such as. Clients want to see if you can produce high-quality writings on their particular topic. As a ghostwriter, you can learn other niches, but if you have a niche you are good at, your written work will not suffer.

Ghostwriters can become better writers if they take a writing or English course at their local community college. Depending on how old the ghostwriter is, he or she may want to freshen up on their English and writing skills.  On the other hand, there are loads of online resources for beginning ghostwriters. You will have to research to find what you need, plus you can check articles on topics that interest you. 

How to Become a Professional Proofreader

Proofreading is a career that everyone cannot do. You have to have a keen eye for mistakes, such as grammatical, spelling, and punctuation issues. They handle any form of text, whether it is a transcript, manuscript, or article to just to name a few. One thing about being a proofreader is that you have to love to read. The majority of your day will be reading and correcting mistakes. It is a profitable career where you can live good and either work from home or at a company.

When it comes to being a proofreader, you do not necessarily need a college degree or experience, but a college degree would look good on your résumé. It will show that you have done a lot of proofing. You can consider getting training in proofreading where you will get a certificate. You will learn everything that you will need to become a professional proofreader, such as the Oxford style comma and how to apply references to content.

Before you become a professional proofreader, you will want to know what you would like to specialize in, such as transcripts or websites, just to name a few. It is good to choose two to specialize in, so you can always have work and learn different styles. You can begin working as a proofreader by taking smaller jobs to gain experience. You can go on bidding sites, such as Upwork to proofread for others. You will not make that much money, but it is a start. You will learn that you will have to read the text more than once to get a perfect document. Formatting is another thing that you have to learn. It seems like a lot, but the more experience you gain, the easier it will become.

Once you get that first job that could become a larger job. For instance, if you go on Upwork, a potential client may want to hire you permanently. When this occurs,  it’s best to make your own price. It is important to continue to learn while proofreading. Before getting into any major professional proofreading jobs, you will want to know AP, APA, and Chicago Style. You can always have a style guide near you when proofreading, but most of it needs stored in memory. That’s how good of a proofreader you are.

Before you make the big step of applying to your first major proofreading job is to test yourself. Practice makes perfect. Everything that you write, proofread it as many times as you need to. Even though, you may have started taking smaller proofreading jobs, you can begin taking higher paying ones. As a proofreader, you can set your own rate, especially when you find your own clients. Since you want to make a living out of this, you will want to consider your living expenses. Don’t be afraid to charge what you believe you deserve. If a client does not want to pay your rate, it’s a good idea to look elsewhere. Two places you can find proofreading jobs are on writing forums and publishing companies. You will more than likely be working on a freelance basis. You can also find proofreading jobs on social networking sites, such as LinkedIn and Twitter.

Even after you gain a professional proofreading job, you will still want to keep your resume refreshed. Even if you get a permanent proofreading job, you may still want to get other clients.  You never know when there will be downtime in your permanent job. Make sure you always include the best proofreading jobs and skills that you know will stand out from the rest.

How to do Book Marketing as an Indie Author

They say writing a book is extremely hard. That part is true. What they don’t tell you is that just because you wrote something, doesn’t mean people will read it. The harsh truth is that a big part of the battle and the difference between a bestselling hit and a dud that nobody reads is the marketing.

Even the best author won’t succeed if she can’t get the book into the public.

Start with a marketing plan

The bare minimum you should put together after you write your books is a basic marketing plan. Figure out your target audience and places you can go to reach that audience.

For some, it may be book tours. For others, it may be PR. In some cases, advertising or influencers will be the best path. Scary stories often do really well with influencers because there have strong hooks.

Every book has a target demographic, even if you’re open to anybody reading it. If you are targeting everybody, then you are really targeting nobody.

Free Ways To Promote

As most authors aren’t sitting on mountains of cash, here are some basic free ways to get some free marketing. Not all these tactics will work for everybody, but it’ll be a good start.

1) Try promoting on social media platforms

For sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest, look for good hashtags and engage with influencers in your space. The more you talk to people, the more people will take notice. Don’t spam! Post organically and try different content formats (like live video for Facebook) to see what works.

2) Post on dedicated writing communities

There are a number of popular reading apps, poetry sites, and writing apps. Try posting there and interacting with the communities. You’ll often see a nice bump in readers who will eventually buy your book. Post a snippet of your stories, not the full book. You can find a full list of writing communities here.

You might even be able to get creative on some writing sites. Maybe try getting people to create fanfiction of your works. Perhaps you can run a flash fiction contest. Get people to write short stories around the theme of your book. The important part is to try to get the community involved. The more involved they are the better.

3) Try PR

Find a list of local press writers who might be interested in covering your book launch. Maybe give them a free copy of your book. Try sending them an email and seeing if they’d be interested.

Newspapers, blogs, and journals are all looking for more traffic, so if you have a good story for them to share with their readers, they’ll promote your book for you.

Do not get a PR firm. They are very expensive and at this stage will waste your money. More on this on Commaful.

You can also consider doing a press release. You can submit your press release to PRWire for more reach (involves a small fee).

Short love stories tend to do well with blogs as there are many book blogs specifically targeting love.

Paid Ways To Promote

Amazon and Facebook have great ad platforms for promoting books. There are many great tutorials but the key is to run a lot of tests. Don’t stick to one advertisement or visual. Try a lot of ideas and see what sticks. Find the ones that work and put your money into that. Use Canva to create your visuals and then promote away!

You can also try influencer marketing if you know that your demographic follows a specific influencer. Influencers with less than 100k followers will likely be your best bet as larger influencers will charge an arm and a leg to work with you.


By writing a book, you’ve already put yourself in a small class of people. It’s hard. But no to really stand out, put your marketing brain to work and crank that marketing plan out!

The Top 5 Writing competitions of 2019

The Top 5 Writing competitions of 2019

Are you an aspiring writer? One of the best ways to get recognized by the international writing community is to enter a competition. It doesn’t matter if you specialize in short stories or lengthy manuscripts, there’s a competition for your specific skillset.

Take a look through these 5 writing competitions and enter one, or all of them. Winning any one of these prestigious contests will increase your credibility and reputation as a writer, why not give them a try?

1. Gotham Writers Past-Year Memoir Contest

There’s no reason why you can’t find the time to enter this competition. All you need is 16 words to complete your entry. Yes, you read that right; 16-word entry limit.

Gotham writers are looking for ultra-short stories that can have any theme, from the hilarious to the heartbreaking. Write out the last year of your life in a few sentences, the winners chosen based on the most captivating story told within the contest guidelines.

The competition is free for anyone to enter and the winner receives an entry into their Gotham writing course where you’ll learn writing skills from the masters.

2. The Reedsy Weekly Writing Contest

The site for writers,, hosts a weekly writing contest with a cash prize of $50. To register, open a free account at Reedsy and sign up for their newsletter. Reedsy publishes the competition every Friday and sends their subscribers 5 subject prompts for writers to use in their submissions. Your submission must reach their editors before Friday the following week.

Winners also receive publication on the Reedsy Medium blog, where their work has the potential to be read by thousands of Reedsy subscribers, how’s that for an added incentive?

3. ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize

The Australian Book Review’s Short Story Prize honors celebrated Australian author, Elizabeth Jolley. The winning piece features in the ABR, one of the southern hemispheres leading arts and literary reviews.

On top of that, a cash prize of $7,000 is up for grabs for first place, with second and third place receiving $2000 and $1000, respectively. It’s $25 to enter this competition, and your submission must be between 2,000 to 5,000 words.

4. Keats-Shelley Prize

The Keats-Shelly Memorial Association offers poets and romantics the chance to enter this dual essay and poetry competition. Winning will earn you a £3,000 prize. However, all shortlisted candidates will receive publication online, or in print, at some stage in the future.

The rewards ceremony of this prestigious competitions takes place at the classy venue of London’s Royal Festival Hall. Make sure your submission is limited to 3,000-words, and no more than 30-lines.

5. National Flash Fiction Youth Competition

Organized by the University of Chester and the International Flash Fiction Association, this competition is free to enter for international writers, but all submissions must be in UK English, and limited to 360-words.

This opportunity suits youth writers looking for recognition of a prestigious writing authority to boost the start of their writing career.

Understanding .mobi and Other EBook Formats by IT Support NYC

here are a lot of different eBook formats out there, and understanding them is important because if you are self-publishing then you are probably going to publish in at least one – or more likely more than one. Understanding why there are so many different formats and what they refer to is vital to understanding the self-publishing process. While there are many little-used formats out there, only a few of them are mainstream, and they are the ones that we are going to be discussing here.


The .mobi format is the format that Kindle uses most of the time. They do have another format, but when you see a Kindle book format being referred to, it is usually this one that people mean. The .mobi format is not compatible with any of the other eBook readers that are out there like it is with the Amazon Kindle, although there are some applications that can read .mobi books, either on your computer or mobile device. However, the formatting is usually off with these programs. You also are not able to read other eBook formats natively through the Kindle device, although you can install third-party software on a Kindle that will allow you to read eBooks in other formats.


The .epub format is sort of the universal format if you are not including books for Amazon Kindle. This format is the one that you will find across the board for most of the readers out there. For example, if you want to read a book on Kobo or download a book from the Apple bookstore, both of them are going to be in this format. In addition, the Barnes & Noble e-reader device the Nook reads books that are in this format as well. There are lots of other programs that are lesser-known but read this format natively, some of them also including the ability to read Kindle books, although not nearly as well as the Kindle devices themselves do. Reedsy has a pretty nifty epub to mobi converter.


The .lit format is something that Microsoft has taken for their e-readers. This may explain why Microsoft e-readers are not very popular out there, coming in last in a race between the Kindle, the Nook and Apple’s iBooks app. This was a lot more prevalent when it first came out, but now many authors do not even publish in this format, which makes it very difficult for the Microsoft reader to get a foothold in the self-publishing world. Choices for book writing software are Scrivener and Reedsy’s Book Editor


The .pdf format is the same one that you’ll find on your desktop computer, usually using the program Adobe reader to view. PDF books are not nearly as popular as the other formats. But in some cases, such as where an e-book was never created specifically but where a digital book was created from images of the print books pages; the PDF can be extremely useful. You can usually read a PDF on any device with a third-party program such as Adobe reader or Adobe reader mobile.

Post contributed by IT Support NYC

Discussing Upmarket Fiction

Discussing Upmarket Fiction

Upmarket Fiction is a relatively new genre – we can say that it’s not nearly as old as straight horror, or even gothic horror. Not even the hardboiled detective fiction genre is quite that recent. Upmarket fiction has only come to the writing world in the past ten years or so, and this means that many authors are still trying to find their feet around the genre.

And that’s okay. We’re here to help. Upmarket fiction has been widely discussed amongst authors, and that might give you some really valuable tips about the rest of the industry – and what you should be doing if you want to get into the game of writing upmarket fiction.

You might think that upmarket fiction is too hard to get a handle on, but you might also be surprised to find that you have been writing upmarket fiction all along and just didn’t know it.

Here’s what other writers have been saying about upmarket fiction over the internet.

Upmarket Fiction? Kboards

Kboards is the official message board for Kindle users and fanatics; here, someone asked for some great suggestions for upmarket fiction – and if you’re researching upmarket fiction as a writer, then this is the perfect thread to read through to find out what you should be reading more of to get to know the genre better.

Absolute Write: Definition of Upmarket Fiction

The Absolute Write forums are an excellent resource for authors looking for new exposure to their work – and useful connections with other authors. Here, they’ve got a thread discussion just what upmarket fiction is defined as.

Query Tracker: Looking for Upmarket Fiction Agents

Here’s a great thread on Query Tracker about where you can find upmarket fiction agents if you need someone who is willing to represent your work.

Upmarket Romance Group

Are you a sucker for romance? Then you’ll love being part of the Upmarket Romance Group on Goodreads: Again, this makes an excellent place to start for authors who feel that they are still trying to find your feet in the upmarket romance genre and want to get to know it better.


Here’s a very, very useful list on Cuebon that’ll tell you just what you need to know about the different genres. They have comprehensive definitions of each genre on the website, and you can find literary upmarket fiction if you scroll down on the page. Another great, similar website is The Book Genre Dictionary, which is available over here and should give you a clear breakdown of work by genre in case you aren’t sure.

Looking for more practical places to submit your fiction? Take a look at Reedsy’s directory of literary magazines to find just what you’re looking for. You can also take a closer look at their definition of upmarket fiction, what we like to call ‘the forgotten middle child of the publishing world.” If that sounds interesting to you, keep reading and we’ll tell you everything that you need to know.

Standard Book Sizes: Trade Paperbacks

There are lots of different book sizes out there. One of the things that you will notice is that there are two different terms for paperback books. One of those terms is the trade paperback. Strangely enough, this is not likely the paperback size that you are used to. Most people have read more mass-market paperbacks than they have trade paperbacks. But if you have purchased a paperback book from a bookstore, or checked one out from your library, then you have read a trade paperback.

Understanding what this term means and why trade paperbacks are important to publishing is vital to being an author – whether you are self-publishing or traditionally publishing. If you want to learn more about trade paperbacks and other publishing terms, heat up some food in one of the best microwave ovens 2019 and let’s talk publishing.

What is a Trade Paperback?

Trade paperback books have specific sizes and are generally the second stage of life for books. Most books are published in hardcover – assuming you are talking about traditional publishing – and then later on they are published again in paperback in order to sell for a lower price and get widespread distribution. In addition, advance copies that are sent out for reviews are often in trade paperback format. The book is published with a limited number of these for advance reader copies, but then comes out and hardcover first.

Why is Choosing a Standard Trade Paperback Size Important?

It is important to choose a standard trade paperback size because if you do not, the industry catalogs like Ingram and Baker and Taylor will not carry your book. Ingram serves bookstores and without being in their catalog you have very little chance of getting on the shelves, while Baker and Taylor is the standard industry catalogs for libraries and schools to purchase from.

Understanding Trim Size

Another term that you might hear and publishing circles is the trim size – particularly when you get to the printing stage. The same goes for self-publishing. Some people get confused by this term, but the truth is, trim size is just referring to the dimensions of your book. Trim size and book size are exactly the same. The reason it is called the trim size is that books are trimmed all at once – and with paperback the cover is included – so that the pages have a smooth surface when the book is closed.

Trade Paperback Sizes

There are two different major trade paperback sizes; the first is135mm x 216mm. This is the most common trade paperback size, and the one that purists refer to as the actual trade paperback size. However, there is also another paperback size that publishers refer to as a trade paperback known as the B-format. The size for this, sometimes nicknamed the smaller trade paperback, is 129 mm × 198 mm (5.1 in × 7.8 in). If you self-publish, you may notice that some printers and self-publishing companies like CreateSpace have other paperback sizes that they considered to be standard. However, if you want to be safe you should just go with the two sizes that traditional publishers use. If you’re just getting started in your journey and need to learn how to write a novel, check out Squibler’s Post

The Best Toaster Every Creative Should Have

Toasters aren’t typically the star of this show (unless, naturally, you’re speaking about The Brave Little Toaster). The toasters that are less expensive are the exact same. Space If you are in need of a massive toaster and have the room to accommodate this then that might be the choice for you, as you can prepare dishes all at one time. It’s essential that you get the most acceptable toaster to be able to prevent problems like breakdown and failure to get the job done. It can be hard for many to recognize the toaster that is perfect as not everybody is well versed with matters, to get technology. The perfect toaster on earth is created by means of a business.

Toaster ovens have become appliances. They could cook a range of foods, depending on. If it comes down to it, the very best toaster oven for you will be based on what you wish to use it for and how frequently you will use it. In case you by chance wind up with the ideal toaster oven for pizza, it’s highly possible you will have the ability to utilize it for a wide choice of dishes that are different also.

Toaster ovens arrive in an abundant choice of shapes, styles, and options. Keep on reading to discover whatever you will have to know more ovens out there. If you’ve come to observe the best toaster oven for an affordable price, you’ve chosen the place.

The Fundamentals of Best Toaster Revealed

Continue reading to learn if you would like to learn more about toaster ovens. Your time spent in the kitchen cans cut off and may carry out the vast majority of the same acts as your oven that is normal. Furthermore, it’s among the least expensive toaster ovens you’ll have the ability to find with digital controls and they’re very simple to work out! If you receive a toaster oven that is low-quality then you’ll suffer from the not too distant future.

Toaster ovens are perfect for smaller spaces and are also appliances that are economical . They might not get the same love as countertop cooking appliances that are little but it can come in handy if you want a simpler way to make pizzas. Heat is transferred by toaster ovens right to the food rather than heating the air all. Then you require a high toaster oven that is superior if you’re a cook.

There are lots of reasons toaster ovens continue to be preferable than the full-sized ovens. They’re safe as long as you follow all the manufacturer’s rules and guidelines. The aforementioned toaster ovens are a few of the best on the business. Toaster ovens have a few dials which you need to turn to choose the power level and the cooking moment.

There are a range of different sorts of ovens on the marketplace and each one has its own peculiarities. Look for a item that offers variety in acts if you would like to find something which replaces an oven. You need to select an oven that is only going to use up a little quantity of power. Before purchasing, you will want to consider how you would like to utilize your toaster oven. A toaster oven is likely to make cooking easier. A removable crumb tray that’s dishwasher safe, too is now included by most toaster ovens. An extra large size toaster oven is anticipated to accommodate a 16-inch pizza with no difficulties.

Finding the Best Toaster

The forthcoming important element is its Functionality. Toaster ovens can cost a little more than toasters that are simple since they cook a selection of foods. You may go with a toaster oven instead of a typical toaster oven. As it lets you cook various selections of foods effortlessly possessing the best toaster in your kitchen is undoubtedly an extraordinary step.

You do not have to preheat the oven. If it’s non-stick it’ll be hassle-free to clean up the oven. In truth, it’s a good idea to get another size toaster oven so it can accommodate everything.

As the oven is essential for home usage, a person should choose their toaster oven so it is going to meet with each of their requirements. Definitely when you would like to bake, the feature a toaster oven can have is a convection oven. Cuisinart TOB-195 Exact Heat Toaster Oven is possibly the model created by Cuisinart till today and one of the ideal convection toaster oven.

5 Ways to Get Inspired for a Genre Short Story in Your Own Home

Writing exercises are often useful when you feel like you are out of creative juice in cannot come up with a good idea. If you are in the right frame of mind, then short story ideas seem to come from everywhere once and appear and disappear faster than you can write them down. But sometimes, your mind feels just like a sludge factory and nothing comes out when you want to write. Of course, creative assistance always helps, but here are some writing exercises that are inspired by locations around your own home. They had been divided into five different genres so you can either choose the genre that you want or try to make the writing exercise listed fit into your own genre.

Horror: What’s in the Corner?

When it comes to horror, all you have to do is turn off the lights and you will get plenty of inspiration. Anyone with a vivid imagination can look around a dark room and imagine all kinds of monsters and terrifying things just by the shapes that exist before their eyes of adjusted to the dark. You might try this a few times and see if you can come up with something. Imagine there is something in the corner. Try to see what it looks like. Try to figure out what it is doing there. Try to think of a character who is lying in bed and rolls over to see that monster in the corner.

Fantasy: What Lives in Your Garden?

If you are looking for a fantasy story, then consider what kind of creatures might be living in your garden. Consider what clues they might give about who they are based upon the damage that they do to your plants and what they eat. Pretend that you caught a glimpse of them and then imagine where they went after they left your garden. Is there a secret portal that connects your backyard to some fantasy world? Do they live underground in a never before explored part of Earth?

Mystery: Who Keeps Digging in Your Yard?

If you keep noticing that someone is digging holes in your backyard while you are asleep at night, consider what kind of mystery you could make out of that. Did the person that owns your house before you rob a bank and then bury the lit underneath your yard? Did they just get out of prison or escape and are looking for it? These are all great ways to start a mystery.

Science-Fiction: What Are You Building?

If you are writing science fiction, then pretend you just got inspired to create some kind of never before seen or imagined device. What parts you use to build it? How long will it take you? What will the device ultimately do? In any case, it’s good to get some practice with Star Wars Fanfiction.

Humor: What Funny Stuff Happens around the House?

If you are trying to write humor than just walk around your house and observe the people interacting with you. Family can be one of the best sources of humor. Just look at the writings of Jean Shepherd.

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